DBMS - (18) BCNF(Boyce-Codd Normal Form)
Relational design by decomposition
- 'mega' relations + properties of the data
- system decomposes based on properties.
- final set of relations satisfies normal form.
- functional dependencies => BCNF
- multivalued dependences => 4NF
Decomposition of a relational schema.
R(A1,A2,...,An) = R(A*)
R1(B1,B2,...,Bn) = R(B*)
R2(C1,C2,...,Cn) = R(C*)
- B* U C* = A*
- R1 ⋈ R2 = R
- R1 = π(B*)(R)
- R2 = π(C*)(R)
Decomposition Example #1
Student(SSN, sName, address, HScode, HSname, HScity, GPA, property)
S1(SSN, sName, address, HScode, GPA, priority)
S2(HScode, HSname, HScity)
- B* U C* = A* 만족
- 즉, S1 ⋈ S2 = Student 이므로 decomposition으로 인한 정보의 손실이 발생하지 않았음
(* lossless decomposition)
Decomposition Example #2
Student(SSN, sName, address, HScode, HSname, HScity, GPA, property)
S1(SSN, sName, address, HScode, HSname, HScity)
S2(sName, HSname, GPA, priority)
- B* U C* = A* 만족
- 즉, S1 ⋈ S2 = Student 이므로 decomposition으로 인한 정보의 손실이 발생하지 않았음
(* lossless decomposition)
Example #1, #2와 같이 Student schema를 서로 다른 형태의 relation으로 decomposition할 수 있다. 두 개의 예제 모두 lossless decompositon이다. 그러나, S1, S2이 서로 다른 attr를 갖게 되었는 데 무엇이 더 좋은 relation일까?
GOOD decompositon only want "reassembly" that produces original(=lossless join property)
GOOD relations is a BCNF.
BCNF(Boyce-Codd Normal Form)
- Relation R with FDs is in BCNF if: For each A*->B, A* is a key.
- 즉, attribute의 결정자는 반드시 key인 경우 BCNF라 한다.
BCNF Example #1
- BCNF로 decomposition할 때는 FD(Functional Dependency)를 이용한다.
Student(SSN, sName, address, HScode, HSname, HScity, GPA, property)
SSN -> sName, address, GPA
GPA -> priority
HScode -> HSname, HScity
(1) Student schema의 key를 찾는다. key는 key -> all attributes 정의를 만족하는 set of attribute 이므로 {SSN, HScode}가 위 조건을 만족한다. 즉, {SSN, HScode} functionally determines all of attributes.
(2) Student shcema에 존재하는 모든 FDs의 left-hand side가 key인지 체크한다. => NO, BCNF가 아님
BCNF Example #2
Apply(SSN, cName, state, date, major)
SSN, cName, state -> date, major
(1) Apply schema의 key를 찾는다. {SSN, cName, state}
(2) Apply schema에 존재하는 모든 모든 FDs의 left-hand side가 key인지 체크한다. => YES, BCNF 만족
BCNF decomposition algorithm
Input : relation R + FDs for R
Output : decomposition of R into BCNF relations with 'lossless join'
- Compute keys for R using FDs. ( Key -> all of attributes )
- Repeat until all relations are in BCNF :
(1) Pick any R' with A*->B* that violates BCNF
(2) Decompose R' into R1(A*, B*) and R2(A*, rest)
(3) Compute FDs for R1 and R2
(4) Compute keys for R1 and R2
BCNF decomposition Example #1
Student(SSN, sName, address, HScode, HSname, HScity, GPA, property)
SSN -> sName, address, GPA
GPA -> priority
HScode -> HSname, HScity
Compute keys for R using FDs. ( Key -> all of attributes )
key : {SSN, HScode}
Pick any R' with A*->B* that violates BCNF
S1(HScode, HSname, HScity)
- S1은 HScode->HSname, HScity 단 하나의 FD를 갖고 LHS가 key이므로 BCNF를 만족한다.
S2(SSN, sName, address, HScode, GPA, priority)
SSN -> sName, address, GPA
GPA -> priority
- S2가 가진 FDs 중 GPA -> priority의 LHS가 key가 아니므로 BCNF가 아니다.
S2에 대해 (1) ~ (4) 반복
Pick any R' with A*->B* that violates BCNF
S3(GPA, priority)
- GPA -> priority FD를 가지므로 LHS가 key이다. BCNF 만족
S4(SSN, sName, address, HScode, GPA)
- S4 have a violating FD(HScode -> HSname, HScity), BCNF가 아니다
- SSN, HScode -> sName, address, GPA 이지만
- SSN -> sName, address, GPA로써 key의 부분집합인 SSN이 attribute를 결정짓는 부분함수 종속성을 지닌다.
S4에 대해 (1) ~ (4) 반복
S5(SSN, sName, address, GPA)
- SSN-> sName, addres,GPA FD를 가짐. BCNF 만족
S6(SSN, HScode)
- FD가 존재하지 않음. BCNF 만족
BCNF Decomposition 결과
Student(SSN, sName, address, HScode, HSname, HScity, GPA, property)
S1(HScode, HSname, HScity)
S3(GPA, priority)
S5(SSN, sName, address, GPA)
S6(SSN, HScode)
Does BCNF guarantee a good decomposition?
- removes anomalies? YES
- Can logically reconsturct original relation? YES
BCNF Decomposition을 하려면 반드시 original relation에 functional dependency가 존재해야 함.
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