
DBMS - (5) JSON(JavaScript Object Notation)

jacob942 2019. 6. 27. 19:53

DBMS - (5) JSON(JavaScript Object Notation)

Javascript Object Notation(JSON) 특성
- Standrad for 'serializing' data objects, usually in files
- Human-readable, useful for data interchange
- Also useful for representing & storing semi-structured data
- No longer tied to JavaScript
- Parsers for many languages.

<그림 1: JSON Example>

Basic constructs(recursive)
- Base values : numbers, string, boolean, etc...
- Object {} : sets of label-value(=property) pairs
- Arrays [] : list of values

Relational Model versus JSON

  Relational Model JSON
Structure Tables Sets of nested arrays
Schema Fixed in advance 'self-describing' : schema elements are within the data itself
Queries Simple Expressive language nothing
Ordering none Arrays
Implementation Native systems Coupled with programming language
NoSQL system

XML versus JSON

Verbosity(쓸데없는 meta-data) More Less
Complexity More Less
Validity Document Type Descriptor(DTD), XSD JSON Schema(not widely used)
Programming Interface clunky(impedance mismatch) More direct
Querying XPath, XQuery nothing
