[챕터11] 관계사
[챕터11] 관계사
관계대명사의 기본 개념
I know a man who is perfect for the job.
- 공통된 부분이 있는 두 개의 문장을 연결하여 관계를 나타내는 대명사
I have a brother. My brother works in London.
> I have a brother who works in London.
형용사의 역할
- a great book
- a book to read
- a book published in 2007
- a book giving information
- a book which inspired me
- 선행사가 사물인 경우 who대신 which를 사용한다
<주격> The bus which goes to City Hall has just left.
<목적격> Monica wore a dress which she bought in Italy.
<소유격> She works for a company whose goal is to promote Korean culture.
관계대명사 that
- -thing로 끝나는 경우
- 사람/사물에 사용가능
- 선행사가 최상급
- 의문사가 있는 경우
I told you everything I know.
Emily is the most brilliant student that I've taught
Who was the person that you contacted?
관계대명사 what
- what은 선행사를 포함한 관계대명사이다.
I don't care what people way.
Ancient artists were drawing what they were seeing.
They showed us what they brought.
전치사+관계대명사, 관계대명사의 생략
- 관계대명사 that은 전치사 뒤에 쓸 수 없다.
This is my colleague about whom I told you.
(=This is my colleague whom I told you about)
She married a man that her parents didn't approve of
(=She married a man of whom her parents didn't approve)
관계대명사의 생략
- (주격 관계대명사 + be동사) 생략
- (목적격관계대명사) 생략
전치사 + 목적격관계대명사는 생략할 수 없다
I wake up every morning in a house (that was) built by my father.
The gym has a new yoga class (which is) starting noon.
관계대명사의 계속적 용법
He gave me a box, which I opened immediately.
- 계속적 용법으로 쓰인 관계대명사절은 앞에 있는 명사뿐만 아니라, 앞에 오는 절 전체 또는 일부를 선행사로 취한다.
- 단, 계속적용법으로 쓰인 관계대명사는 생략할 수 없으며 that은 계속적용법으로 쓰일 수 없다
Humans dislike bitter foods, which tend to contain toxins.
My personal trainer, who I see twice a week, is a former college volleyball player.
- 시간(when), 장소(where), 이유(why), 방법(how)을 나타낸다.
- 전치사 + 관계대명사를 관계부사로 바꿀 수 있다.
- that은 시간/장소/이유/방법을 나타내는 선행사에 쓰일 수 있다.(+생략이 가능하다)
I still remember the day when Mr.Robinson came to my office.
It was held in the seminar room where Anderson met the principal for the first time.
I don't understand the reason why he's mat at me.
We will change how we pay quarterly bonuses. 우리는 분기별 보너스를 지급하는 방법을 바꿀 것이다.
(= We will change the way we pay quarterly bonuses.)
- 명사절 및 부사절로 사용될 수 있다.
* ever : 항상
ex. whoever ~하는 누그든지(명사절), 누가 ~을 하더라도(부사절)
We welcome whoever wants to join us.
All human beings should be treated equally, whoever they are
It's all the same to me, whichever you choose.
You can do whatever you want
- only 부사절에만 사용한다
Whenever I try to discuss my personal problems, they don't want to hear them.
You can begin whenever you're ready.
I'll always remember you wherever I am.
However hard I work, I can't finish this on time.