jacob942 2019. 3. 5. 15:17

[챕터3] 분사

That's an interesting story.

분사의 역할

(1) 시제 + 능동태, 수동태 를 결정

I'm preparing a report.

(2) 명사 수식(형용사)

We will use advanced technology.

(3) 주어 목적어의 보어로 사용됨

He became discouraged.


Enjoying the sunshine, I lay down on the grass.

- 분사가 이끄는 어구가 문장 전체를 수식하는 부사 역할을 할 때 사용된다.

현재분사 -> 능동의 의미

Looking back on your childhood, how do you feel?

과거분사 -> 수동의 의미

(Being) written in a foreign language, It is a difficult book to read.

분사구문은 시간·이유·조건의 의미를 갖는다


Walking to the store, he saw a puppy.


Not having any cash, she paid for it with her credit card.


Turning to the right, you'll find the bank.

주의해야 할 분사구문

Having finished the exam, I felt very happy.

Because he had a fever, he didn't go to school.

Because he had a fever, he didn't go to school.

Because he had a fever, he didn't go to school.

Having a fever, he didn't go to school.

접속사나 주어가 남아있는 분사구문

After I finished the exercise, I was exhausted.

After finishing the exercise, I was exhausted.

As my father retires, Mr.Morris is taking up his position.

As my father retiring, Mr.Morris is taking up his position.

Having V-ed로 시작하는 분사구문

After he had talked to the manager, he changed his mind.

Having talked to the manager, he changed his mind.

- 부사절 동사의 시제가 주절 동상의 시제보다 앞설 때, having V-ed 형태가 된다.